
Simmons Creek Colored School #1

[1897? - ????]


Simmons Creek Colored School #1 was located map on the Arnold Lux Ranch.


Limited information on the history of the school is available. The currently available records do not indicate when the school was built or when it was closed.

The earliest information indicated that in 1897 the teacher was J.H. Harvey and that he had 13 students'


1897 - Teacher was J.H. Harvey

1902 - Teacher was Ferdinand Whitby

1906 - Teacher was Minerva Williams

*additional information is under research*


1897 - Teacher J.H. Harvey had 13 students

1902 - Teacher Ferdinand Whitby had 12 students {last names of City, Wren, Williams, Gilmore and Warren}

student 1906 - Teacher Minerva Williams had 8 students

*additional student listings are under research*


*additional information is under research*